Progesterone and Estrogen Receptors in Meningiomas – A Clinicopathological Analysis

Progesterone and Estrogen Receptors in Meningiomas – A Clinicopathological Analysis


  • Aparna Govindan Department of Pathology, Govt. Medical College, Kozhikode, Kerala, India
  • Jacob Paul Alapatt Former Professor and Head, Department of Neurosurgery, Govt. Medical College, Kozhikode, Kerala, India



Meningioma, Immunohistochemistry, Progesterone receptor, estrogen receptor, MIB-1


Background: Meningiomas are common tumors of the Central Nervous System. Recurrence in meningiomas has been proven to be associated with factors like extent of resection and grade of tumor. Decrease in progesterone receptor expression has been linked to increased rate of recurrence. We undertook this study to know about progesterone and estrogen receptor expression in meningiomas and its association with different clinicopathological variables as data is lacking in the Indian population.

Materials and Methods: Meningiomas operated in a tertiary referral centre of North Kerala, India in 2 years were taken into the study. The tumors were graded and immunohistochemistry was performed using antibodies to Estrogen and progesterone receptors (ER&PR) and Ki-67. The expression of PR and ER was correlated with clinicopathologic variables. The patients were followed up for 2 years.

Results: Grade I and grade II tumors constituted 85.3% and 14.7% respectively of the total number of meningioma cases. There were no grade III tumors in the series. The average PR positivity in grade I tumors (60.77%) was higher than in grade II tumors (46.88%). There was no gender related difference in PR staining. ER positivity was found only in a few cases.

Conclusion: PR deterioration was associated with increased cell turnover. Meningiomas occurring in this study population are similar in clinicopathological parameters to those tumors occurring in other parts of the country but different in some aspects like grade from tumors occurring in other parts of the world. Strict follow up of a larger cohort of patients for a longer time period will be required to draw conclusions about prognosis in this population.


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How to Cite

Govindan, A., & Alapatt, J. P. (2023). Progesterone and Estrogen Receptors in Meningiomas – A Clinicopathological Analysis. Journal of Cancer Research Updates, 12, 10–15.


